Michael Henderson

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A Short Letter to the Depressed

An attempt to encourage those of us who need courage most

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on  Unsplash

Hello, perhaps you are depressed or know someone who is depressed.

Depression has swept the nation and has become an epidemic, and no one knows what to do about it.

Frankly, it breaks my heart. I’ve seen it on your faces. Those of us who have experienced the depths of psychological illness know an agony that transcends physical pain or discomfort. They will tell you that if you ask them. I’ve heard it from many depressed individuals.

Simply put, those of us who experience such heavy burdens have two options.

  1. Give up
  2. Keep going

You have these two options, always. Atlas, you can lift the world on your shoulders, and try to make things better for you and those around you, or you can give up and let the weight of the world crush you.

Do NOT give up, brother or sister. And if you have been giving up recently, do not be afraid to step out in faith, hoping for a better future. All that matters in this world is that people who carry the world on their shoulders do not give up. That’s the only thing that keeps the lights on and keeps everyone from going for each other's throats.

I know, it seems obvious. Choose to keep going! It’s so simple, but sometimes it seems impossible. You’re not a hero, you might say. I’m not a hero, if you’re like me, you’re just a normal person who makes mistakes and chooses the easy way out a lot of the time.

But normal people can be heroes when they make heroic choices. And one heroic choice is all it takes to make things better. For all of us.

Choosing to keep going in the darkest of times is a truly heroic choice, but it requires true courage and boldness. It’s especially heroic when no one is there to cheer you on, or even worse when people are there to shame you and point out your weakness.

So let me encourage you. Take courage, do NOT be ashamed. Be the hero your little corner of the world needs. Make things better, not worse. DO NOT GIVE UP.

If you need someone to talk to and have no one else, message me on Instagram at Mhenderson550. (I am not qualified in any way, except that I can listen)

Stay strong. Best regards.